

Nutrients are the compound present in foods and essential for health and provide us energy; act as building blocks and essential component of cells and organs. They help us to regulate various chemical processes in the body. Nutrient Sensing is a cell’s ability to recognize and respond to fuel substances such as protein, carbohydrates and lipids. One of the most serious problems in the present world is the increasing number of overweight and obese people around the world. Nutrient Sensing has become a major focus in scientific research over the past few decades as it enables us to understand mechanism of nutrient metabolism and feeding process. By studying the basic metabolic pathway and uptake of nutrients by the cells, which ultimately control the feeding process; it enables us to understand the physiological processes which are disrupted by diseases such as- diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Nutrient Sensing is the basic mechanism which not only helps us to maintain balance between stored energy and calorie intake but also regulate various metabolic pathways in our body. If nutrient sensing is disrupted it leads to several chronic lifestyle diseases, hence understanding and restoring the proper nutrient diet would enable us to lead a healthy and less disease prone life. In consideration of nutrient homeostasis, particularly in human and also in all living organisms, our aim is to provide an outlook of nutrient sensing mechanism as our present knowledge in this domain is scarce.

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Biotechnology Commons
