

Recent Covid 19 pandemic has caused disruptions to both societies & economies around the globe. Despite the time passed since the outbreak, access to proper diagnostic or treatment methods are insufficient. This situation created an urgent need for novel approaches to combat the spread of covid or similar viruses. The authors of this article have undertaken an extensive examination of diverse research papers pertaining to the detection, isolation, and deactivation of covid 19 virus. The authors have determined that magnetic hyperthermia holds promise as potential technique to isolate and deactivate SARS Covid 2. This comprehensive review delves into the potential of magnetic hyperthermia, magnetic nanoparticles & expounds upon the principle of magnetic hyperthermia, the challenges of using it as treatment method as well as recent advances in this field. In summary this article highlights the potential of magnetic hyperthermia as a promising modality for isolation & deactivation of covid 19 or similar viruses.
