

From the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 had a huge impact on private sector employees. Many people lost their jobs and many people had to suffer from reduction of salary. Some companies provide facilities to the employees while others had to cut off employees. The companies also suffered a lot from the pandemic. Many companies had to shut down because of earning less revenue. The objectives of the present study are to find out the impact of COVID-19 on private sector employees and to find out the present situation of the corporate employees. The qualitative analysis in our research and thus tested the Inter Reliability Rate through Kohen’s Kappa testing. A total of 20 participants participated in the interview where the participants are/were working in a private sector company during COVID-19. After the interview process an independent coder was chosen who has sufficient experience in his field. After the interviews were coded by us and the same was also done by the independent coder. The results of the study shows that work load, nature of work, job security, health facilities, psychological effect, alternative source of income are the major factors which are having the great impact on private sector employees in India.
