

Luxury, in its most basic form can be described as a complicated phenomenon based on the human impulse to satisfy one's desire for aesthetic pleasure and self-expression while also wishing to be appreciated and respected by others. It might vary based on the individual, the product, and the situation. When it comes to luxury brand consumption, customers can express themselves (through the value-expressive function) as well as display themselves (via the social-adjusted function) in front of others (via the social-adaptive function). The focus of this investigation is on perfumes or scents. Fragrances are featured in the portfolios of all luxury brands, and they are utilized as part of their strategy for brand extension. In this backdrop this study will mainly focus on four major factors namely uniqueness, status, hedonic value and materialism on consumer attitude in Kolkata, India market towards luxury perfume. The objectives of this study are firstly to explore the factors that influence attitude towards purchasing luxury perfumes and secondly to measure the impact of factors of attitude towards purchasing luxury perfumes.
