

Purpose- Masstige marketing has gained considerable attention in the recent past as a theoretically significant and practically relevant concept. Masstige strategy encompasses all those activities directed to position the products for the masses, neither by offering drastic price reductions nor discounts. This study provides a basis for market research for a deeper understanding of the masstige by segmenting the market according to the multi-dimensional consumption value and by explaining how masstige consumption value affects consumer's purchase intention.

Methodology- A self-developed structured questionnaire had been used as the research instrument to collect data from 160 respondents in Kolkata. This study was analytical and correlational in nature and utilised convivence sampling. It was meant to determine the relationship among antecedent and outcome variables, and followed logistic regression analysis as the analysis tool to examine the stated relationship. Prior to logistic regression analysis the reliability and validity of the data was measured using Cronbach alpha test and exploratory factor analysis.

Results- It examines the unique combination of processes such as Uniqueness, Hedonic Value, Perceived Quality, and Trust. The entire set of hypotheses was significantly supported except the insignificant effect of brand trust. Findings of the study suggest that hedonic value, uniqueness and perceived quality significantly influence the purchase intention of masstige products.

Implementation- Luxury purchase by common people is increasing. Hence luxury product marketers need to understand the consumer psychology. This study can be a input in this regard to strategize the move of the various company.
