

A leader is a person who has the ability to guide and influence others in order to reach organizational goals and objectives. Leadership is a dynamic process, influenced by the changing task requirements, the group itself and the individual members. Leaders and their skill in creating a culture of retention, have come a key in why people stay and what generally drives them down from a company. The leader has come the main factor in what motivates people’s decision to stay or leave. Employee retention is described as capability of an organization to retain employees in organization. It is the voluntary move by an organization to create an environment which engages employees for long term. Maxwell (1998) addressed that a good leader must have good character, charisma, committed, communicate with followers, competence, courage, insight, focus, generosity, good initiatives, listener, passion, positive attitude, ability to solve complex problems, good relationship with followers, take responsibility, disciplined, have teaching ability and being visionary. Leadership encourages and helps others to work enthusiastically focusing on relationships, group binding and motivation. Leaders and their chops in creating a culture of retention are arising as the key to why people stay and what generally drives them down.
