

Robot navigation requires the guidance of a mobile robot through the desired path to the desired goal avoiding obstacles and hazards encountered in an unknown environment. Detection and avoidance of obstacles, collisions and hazardous situations are in the first place. However, path planning and arrival at the desired goal is also an essential part of the reliable and secure navigation of mobile robots. Planning the optimal path requires optimization of specific navigation performance, such as the minimum time until the robot reaches desired goal with a minimum of control, but also requires to comply with certain restrictions in robot motion, such as avoiding obstacles with the maximum speed of the robot. Now, the requirement for avoiding the collision with obstacles in the environment, the robots should be equipped with a sensor system that will enable the detection of these obstacles. Information obtained from sensors is used in obstacle avoidance strategies or in strategies for finding the best solution in case of the robot's emergency stop before the collision. In this research paper authors have tried to develop an edge avoiding robot and explained clearly the usefulness of the newly developed robot.
