

Severity of natural calamity are unpredictable in nature. During disaster like earthquake, flood, communication establishments get affected including the power supply. Establishing normalcy in communication takes unpredictable amount of time which sometime creates a great difficulty for search and rescue operation. We some time refer to these time periods as Golden Hour since initiation of rescue operation with proper co-ordination may save lots of life in the wee hours. Disaster generally affects the established communication infrastructure in a severe manner. To perform the rescue operation in a well coordinate manner we may rely on wireless network or ad hock network. Quick tracking of living object or human being is of the highest priority as that may save a life. So immediate and authenticated communication is very much required in locating the distressed. Unmanned arial vehicle (UAV)s with some processing power may be used in the network for generating message after detection of living object or human being. In this paper we are proposing a reliable network for the affected area by using long range wireless area network (LoRa WAN) which will help the Search and Rescue (SAR) team to manage and control the operation in an effective as well as affordable manner. Certain positive attitude of the proposed model ensures lifesaving during rescue.
