

AAbbssttrraacctt1.To make a secure cyber ecosystem in India, generate an ample amount of trust in IT systems and transactions in cyberspace and thereby enhance the adoption of IT in all sectors of the economy. 2. To create a convincing framework for developing security policies and enabling actions to abidance to global security standards. 3) To build up the Regulatory framework to ensure a Secure Cyberspace ecosystem. 4) To enhance and create National and Sectoral level mechanisms to obtain strategic policy regarding threats to ICT infrastructure. 5) To enhance the protection of the Nation's critical information infrastructure by operating a National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre and mandating security practices related to the design, accession, evolution, use and operation of information resources. 6) For the growth of suitable indigenous security technologies, solution-oriented research, proof of concept, pilot development, transition, diffusion. 7) To develop the range of the integrity of ICT products and services by establishing infrastructure for testing & validating the security of such products. 8) Create a workspace for 500,000 professionals skilled in cyber security in India within 5years 9) To provide monetary benefits to businesses to adopt standard security practices. 10) To enable security of information while during the process, storage & transit to safeguard the privacy of citizen's data and for reducing financial losses due to cybercrime. 11) To create adequate safety, investigation and prosecution of cybercrime and development of law enforcement capabilities through appropriate legislative intervention.
