

Artificial Intelligence is now a rapidly growing sector which will emphasize the productivity of man according to their need. So, this is our virtual assistant where we implement a small portion of AI to make our daily life more enjoyable and also be more productive. Our virtual not only able to recognize the voice of its owner but also it can perform all the given information by its owner. In past years we have no sort of devices or things to communicate with the AI devices for that reason we need to implement some coding to a chip or specifically into an integrated circuit which has a less amount of memory and can’t able to perform all the algorithms by its own so we make an AI algorithm using python which can able to recognize as simple as a human can understand others language in their mother tongues. Also we are in testing of the algorithm to make an automatic robotic toy car which have the facility of the virtual assistant and the user of that car can able give it any sort of instructions on how to perform any operations simply into there mother tongues also they shouldn’t use English also otherwise they can use google translate tool to make the output in their mother tongue.
