

In the AI era, where everything is turning out to be smart and autonomous, using a manual door is problematic as it requires a human to lock and unlock every time someone wants to come in. Even it hampers the security of an individual as he may not know who is on the other side of the door, and may lead to serious crimes. To bridge the gap and make life easy, our team came up with an AI driven Smart Door that can be monitored with any device like a smartphone. In the system, there will be a webcam implanted on the door to detect anyone outside, and there will be solenoid motor to lock/unlock the door. Person waiting outside can be traced by the system, and if the person is added to the whitelist by the user, the door will open automatically and alert the user via message. If the person is stranger to the user, it will alert the user and ask him whether to let him in, and act accordingly. From our user's perspective, he will have a simple interactive interface with which he can monitor everything and give commands by speaking from anywhere. There would be use of databases for white guest and black guest marked by the user. If the guests are allowed, the door will be unlocked automatically. The project will add value to the security of the users and in turn to humanity.
