

Hats off to Prometheus, who stole fire from heaven. From fire to WebGL, it's a long journey. But in today's world, WebGL is said to be the world's greatest invention. This paper is on the inquiry of the Web3D visualization methods in WEB. Three.js is a perfect 3D graphics engine out of many We-bGL frameworks that has a lot of built- in lights and materials. Meanwhile, it provides many convenient functions for this study. In addition, this research can be applied to the customization of LED lights and lanterns, interior de- sign, etc. This article introduces a kind of Web3D technology along with Unity 3D engine, that combines great advantages in GPU acceleration in fields of game designing and visual effects. The basic scene setup is a bit different from Three JS and Babylon JS because Unity has its own editor. All the basic things like creating a scene, adding mesh and lights can be done directly from the editor without coding a single line. This is a very ba- sic Unity feature and anyone with a little experience with the program can easily do this by adding the necessary objects to the scene from the Unity menus. Unlike Three.JS and Babylon.JS, Unity does not require the creation of a rendering loop, which is done automatically by the game engine.
