

Rapid increasing urbanization and increasing population all over the world, there is a dynamic increase in the amount of waste disposal has become a matter of concern, and diseases like malaria, dengue, and cholera are caused due to overflow of garbage which contains rotten things which form foul smell and burning things that cause air pollution to the environment. As a result of this we human beings are sufferers, So, we need to maintain this worst scenario and we need to keep a track of the garbage bin so that it will be cleaned in the proper interval of time. So, we are implementing this project which will identify the waste by checking its humidity and temperature and will also check the level of the garbage bin so that it doesn't overflow and pollute the environment. In this project the garbage level in each bin is monitored using ultrasonic sensors present in every bin, rotten and burning elements or any such abnormal situation that arises will be identified by the Gas sensor and DHT11 sensor. The Gas, ultrasonic sensor, and Humidity sensor will read the data and will send it to the Cloud server and then the Municipal Control room will be able to monitor the information from the Cloud server through a GUI interface. When more than 70 percent of the garbage bin is filled, or any situation mentioned above arises the buzzer will give the indication. The system is driven by a microcontroller- ESP-32 which is working as the brain of the operation, and it is programmed using Embedded C. All the devices and Cloud Server plays a key role to implement the project.
