

A qualitative analysis study that examined the views and opinions of non-technology professionals in the U.S. regarding government and law enforcement agencies' demand for legislation that will allow them to snoop on online private communications of smartphone users. Governments would prefer exclusive access to encryption technologies, called a backdoor, to use in accessing messages. Technology professionals have, however, argued against a backdoor; they claim a backdoor would not only be an infringement of their privacy but that hackers could also take advantage of it. In light of this security and privacy conflict between technology professionals and government's need to access messages in order to thwart potential terror attacks, this study presents the views and opinions of non-technology professionals in the U.S. who are the largest group of smartphone users, on the ensuing encryption debate. Using qualitative descriptive design methodology, a survey of 26 participants was conducted and data was analyzed using Braun and Clarke's six-step process of inductive thematic analysis. Results from this research study showed that non-technology professionals are willing to allow the government to infringe on their privacy if that will guarantee them security.
