

Nowadays there are many different types of orthopedic supports available in the market. These include supports like heat belts, knee caps, collar belts, wrist and arm support, back supports etc., which are used as supports for various body pains, swells, sprains. Many of these orthopedic supports are available in electrically or battery-operated form with regulators installed in them in order to control the temperature passed by those supports. But all these supports are available in manually-controlled form. The user always has to regulate the temperature. This does not provide an actual amount of temperature to thatspecific body part that will help in faster relief of pain. Other than this problem, there are users that face with wrong usage of their orthopedic supports. This mainly includes older peoples who have to use such supports on a daily basis but lack with caretakers around them. Due to this problem, they do not get enoughguidance for the usage of their supports properly. With the help of our INTELLIGENT ORTHOSIS, wehave come up with a solution that will fix all these problems in one go. This device can be installed in many types of orthopedic devices that are usually used in a daily basis by people with issues in their muscles and joints. With this solution, the absence of caretakers can be easily compensated in order to help older peopleget proper treatment of their muscular or joint problems.
