

Vanillin is a flavoring agent commonly used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. The detection and accurate quantification of vanillin, has attracted considerable interest due to its economic and its potential health effects. In this paper, we focused for the identification and quantification of vanillin in food products using a molecularly imprinted polymer polyacrylamide-based graphite electrode (MIPAM/GP) against a silver-silver chloride reference electrode and a platinum electrode. These sensors are designed to selectively recognize vanillin molecules based on their structural characteristics, thereby improving the sensitivity and specificity of detection. This research explores the rapid electrochemical detection of vanillin utilizing an optimized Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) electrode. The study assesses the Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV) responses generated by the MIP electrode when exposed to vanillin in various real food samples, including ice cream, yogurt, custard, and milkshakes. The data obtained from these samples is then subjected to analysis through K-Means clustering employing Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Remarkably, the results exhibit successful discrimination of each individual food sample, underscoring the efficacy of this electrochemical method. Cluster metrics, such as a maximum Silhouette Score of 0.5815, a maximum Calinski-Harabasz Score of 236.9719, and a minimum Davies-Bouldin Index of 0.3175, affirm the accuracy of the electrode-based clustering approach. This research highlights the potential of electrochemical systems combined with chemometric analysis for the efficient detection of vanillin adulteration in food products. The MIP electrode's effectiveness suggests its utility for immediate on-the-spot identification of varying vanillin levels across a wide array of food items, thereby contributing to rapid food quality assessment and assurance.
