

The teaching of English in India has often been a matter of challenge given that it is difficult for the ELT teacher or instructor to inculcate a high degree of interest in the learner. Even though teaching is a humanistic activity which involves the creation and maintenance of a significant ligature between ‘teacher’ and ‘taught’, it is a kind of profession which is somewhat inclined in the direction of the learner. Yet, although teaching involves learners, it is a truism that teaching never guarantees learning. Teaching and learning indeed involve two poles, that of the student as a learner and that of the teacher or pedagogue functioning as an educator or facilitator. And although teaching and learning is a simultaneous process, this procedure does not run well all times. As a matter of fact, there are many hurdles both the teacher and the learner have to face. Particularly in India, the education system has undergone several changes throughout history from the ‘gurukul’ system to the modular classroom that we see today. In the context of this understanding, the aim of this paper will be, first, to examine the status of English in India and to look at the different purposes for which English is used – and taught. Next, the paper will also discuss very briefly some of the problems of ELT in India. After this, a focus will be sought to be brought upon a new approach which may emerge as a solution to overcome at least a few of these difficulties. This mode of ELT application which may be termed “edutainment” may prove to be effective in English Language Teaching since it will involve an alternative pedagogic system posed at a variance from the traditional mode of chalk-talk classroom language teaching. In the edutainment mode, approaches to ELT and the techniques therein can be more inductive than prescriptive, and thus can allow greater room for liberality, enjoyment, fun and comfort. This mode of “edutainment” is what the present paper will aim to discuss as a possible innovative trend in the teaching of English language in India.
