

Purpose: To study the consumer perception on green electrical equipment and to know consumer perception on overall experience towards green electrical equipment and further investigate the moderating effects of green brand knowledge. to study the green purchase intention and green positioning. Methods: The Non-Probability Judgemental Sampling, considering the limitations of time, financial supports, and other resources. Findings: From this study it is implicated that consumers purchase intention towards green electrical equipment. This ⁸ study statistically proved that consumers are aware about the green products and it results in willingness to try green products. At the same results investigated that consumers using green products are more conscious than the consumers using traditional products. Implications: Throughout the world, "new technology business models" that are tied to clean technologies offer consumers and investors competitive returns while addressing global concerns (UNEP, 2021). Research study observed positive and favourable purchase intention of consumers towards green fans. Originality: Today, most people shy away from making a change in their lives without knowing how beneficial it is to them. When you adopt an environmentally-mindful lifestyle, it offers several benefits.
