

Purpose: In the modern era of technology, online advertising is the most common tool used by firms to promote certain products or brands. The purpose is to study the role of online advertisement on purchase intention towards wireless headphones and to explain how online advertising, customer satisfaction and brand knowledge affects purchase intention. Methods: This study was quantitative exploratory research conducted in Kolkata, India. A sample size of 158 data was collected. Data was collected using a self-developed structured questionnaire where 5 points Likert scale had been used for recording the response. Descriptive Statistics, Reliability Test, Exploratory Factor Analysis and hypothesis test were used to analyse the collected data to study the role of online advertisement on purchase intention towards wireless headphones. Findings: The Cronbach’s alpha value and the KMO measure with more than 0.7 indicates the high level of reliability and validity of data and appropriateness of the analysis. After a careful analysis, the results indicate that online advertisement, customer satisfaction and brand knowledge significantly influence purchase intention of customers. Implications: All these components Online Advertisement (OA), Purchase Intention (PI), Brand Knowledge (BK), Customer Satisfaction (CS) are very much important for a brand to sustain in the market. If the brand can maintain a good reputation in the market and can impart good quality products and services to the consumers, it will lead to the generation of customer satisfaction which will ultimately enhance purchase intention. Originality: This research paper submitted is an outcome of independent and original work. It has duly acknowledged all the sources from which the ideas and extracts have been taken. The project is free from any plagiarism and has not been submitted elsewhere for publication.
