

Purpose: Meme Marketing is relatively a newer concept in the market which needs significant exploration and practical implications before it can be used thoroughly in the market. Meme has generally been accepted by the younger generation and the ever-changing markets throughout the world. This study shows the effects of Meme Marketing and its deeper understandings by researching the consumer’s behaviour towards the product purchase intentions after interacting with the meme and its community. Methods: A self-developed structured questionnaire had been used as the research instrument to collect data from 125 respondents in Kolkata. This study was analytical and correlational in nature and utilised convivence sampling. It was meant to determine the relationship among antecedent and outcome variables, and followed Descriptive statistics analysis as the analysis tool to examine the stated relationship. Prior to Descriptive statistics analysis the reliability and validity of the data was measured using reliability test and exploratory factor analysis. Findings: Meme Impact is significantly influenced by Meme Value. When a brand has a high Value of Meme, consumers can anticipate to receive information about that brand that is of high quality, whether it is information on the brand's products, services, or after-service quality. It can also be claimed that trends have a significant influence on how a customer responds to memes. People's purposeful decision to follow the most recent trends at the time creates satisfaction and makes the company appear more approachable and real. Implications: Younger generation is gradually taking up most of the purchasing power of the markets. Hence, to attract these younger consumers marketers needs to understand the consumer psychology. Meme on varied forms can be a good option for marketers to reach and understand consumer. This study can be an input in this regard to strategize the move for various companies.
