

Language-basedlearningdisability(LBLD)referstoanarrayofcomplexitiesrelated tothe understandingandimplementationofspokenandwrittenlanguage.LBLDisa common root of a students' academic hardships because weak language skills hinder comprehension and communication, which are the basis for most school activities. Like every other form of learning disability, LBLD results from a combination of neurobiological anomalies (differences in the way an individual's brainworks) aswell as environmentalfactors(e.g., the learningsetting,the type of instruction). The key to helping students with LBLD is by knowing how to modify instruction and curriculum to make sure they develop proficient language and literacy expertise. Most individuals with LBLD need instructions that are explicit, multisensory,structured,andspecialized,aswellasongoing,guidedpracticeaimed atrepairingtheirparticularareasofweakness.Whileworkingonthistopic,wehave observed that people with learning disabilities are of average or above average intelligence. There often appears to be a large gap between the individual‟s true potential andhis/heractual achievement.Whichiswhylearningdisabilitiesarealso referredas“hiddendisabilities”:i.e. thepersonlooksabsolutely“normal”andseems to be a very bright and intelligent person yet may be incompetentto display the skill level expected fromsomeone of a similar age. Therefore,themain objective ofthis paper is to make sure that communication shall never act as a hindrance to the potentials possessedby anydifferentlyabledpersonandto minimize the linguistic obstaclesfaced by the differently abled community on a regular basis.
